Chapter-1-28: Emissary

Daily carl after some morning exercises, he went to fight wild animals in back mountains and evening he meditated by using breathing technique as routine. One day while meditating, his martial spirit let out a roar and gone back to slumber, at the same time Carl could understand some of the comprehensions about the fighting technique's he is practising, he could deduce minor mistakes he was doing while practising and correct them it in a mysterious manner in his consciousness.

He finally understood why comprehensions are so important after a month of the rigorous training routine. Carl could feel his Cultivation got more stabilized than before at cultivation general middle stage and showed signs of improvement also.

While having dinner with mother:

Mother: "Carl, tomorrow is family competition, are you prepared for it?"

Carl: "Yes mother."

Mother: "I bet Your father and brother are going to be shocked if they see you when they arrive!" said enthusiastically.

Carl: "I am also looking towards it," said with a small smile.

He knows that tomorrow his father and brother will be arriving with an emissary from dragon institute for competition according to the news obtained from Rankar Dragnite, so he is also looking forward to it.

Next day both carl and his mother walked towards competition location, this time town's people are livelier than last time in the awakening ceremony because now an emissary is going to be present from dragon institute. For the town people, the emissary like gods representing prestige and power they possess in the famous dragon institute. It is said to become an emissary a person should at least have the Cultivation of earth realm, from this we could tell how much prestige and power dragon institute carries. 

All the three prominent families of town like Dragnite, Lone wolf and fore glide are already present at the places or stages allotted to them while are patiently waiting for the arrival of the emissary, this wait didn't last long because of a weird bird cry from long distance was heard and everyone rose their head to see a sizeable wild gryphon was flapping its wings and hovering down on to the staged platform.

On the bird, they can see the silhouettes of persons who looked very intimidating.

Gryphon slowly landed on the ground, and people started to appear one after the other, and an old voice echoed. 

"Sorry to keep you all waiting fellows cultivators."

Rankar Dragnite: "welcome mister Ernard, I didn't expect you will arrive this time we are very honoured, we are sorry to trouble you."

Gernard: "I was just bored of closed-door Cultivation and It's my duty as a dragon institute elder is look for some good talents, I hope I will be able to get some, haha," said with a mysterious smile.

A person slowly walked out from the shadows of new people.

That Person: "Family head Rankar, I have troubled you." 

Rankar: " Good, Good, go and meet your wife & son now, they have been waiting for you!" said with a good smile.

The Person slowly walked towards Carl's mother & carls while of them looked at each other like a long lost dear family.

Person: "Sorry dear for being away all this time," said lovingly to his wife while holding her and son's hands.

Carl mother: "It's fine, our Carl has already started Cultivation and he has better talent than you," said very happy and proud smile. 

Carl's father got surprised and took Carl hand and felt the pulse and few seconds he gets shocked and bends down and hugs Carl tightly.

Carl's father: "My son is very blessed." said very happily.

Carl: "father, you are hurting me," said bitterly.

Carl's father lets loose Carl and said:" Son, you have done a good job on beginning cultivation such an early stage, I can see that your talent is greater than me, I know for sure you will reach greater heights..!"

Carl: "Thank you, father".

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