Chapter-1.27: Chloe's advise

Carl: "Oh yeah Chole, are you going to participate in the family competition for joining Dragon institute?"

Chloe: "I don't know, are you planning to join the Dragon institute?"

Carl: "Yes, I want to join there because my brother is also there". 

Chole "Oh, Ok then I will also join then, otherwise you might run into some trouble if am not there to protect you." said haughtily.

Carl didn't know how to respond to that answer; he only let out a weak smile.

Chole: "Here take it, this is the medicine you requested". said while handing a bowl of medicine.

Carl: "thank you chole, Can you please guard me while I take the medicine."

Chole: "Sure " smiled assuredly. 

Carl went to a cave nearby and first, he stabilized his condition and swallowed the medicine in one gulp and started chanting 3rd mantra, as time passed the energy present in Carl's body increased and reaching Cultivation General middle stage.

After exiting the Cave,

Chloe: "Carl, I have to warn you, if you keep depending on medicines and advanced to higher levels, in future your cultivation will be unstabilized and you won't be able to advance any further."

Carl: "But my cultivation technique mentions, I need to consume these medicines to advance?" asked puzzledly.

Chloe: "While it may be true, but at the same time you have to train your body accordingly otherwise you will have repercussions".

Carl:" How should I train my body then?"

Chole: "It's simple, By gaining fighting experiences you will be able to get to higher Cultivation levels at the same time you can remove the impurities left behind by the medicines".

Carl thought deeply about it; he remembered that every time he advanced to higher levels, it was just like Chloe said so he felt enlighted and mumbled:" only real hard work and experience is good for Cultivation, not some external forces".

Carl: "Thank you, Chloe".

Chole: "Not only fighting experience is needed you also need to understand about the heavens i.e. Comprehension of truths about anything & everything to reach greater heights in Cultivation".

Carl: "Oh how to do that?" inquired enthusiastically. 

Chloe: "Just by using breathing techniques and meditation," said sincerely.

Carl has remembered that grandpa Draggo has given him breathing technique, but he didn't practise it, he thought it was just any technique to practise, now regretted that he didn't practise it early.

Carl: "Thank you, Chole for telling me all of this, "said very thankfully and continued to ask more questions.

Carl: "I heard that good pills can take you higher levels too but why then people still take it?" asked puzzledly.

Chloe: "it's simple to explain, it depends on who made them if you take pill from a normal alchemist even though they will be having advantage to your Cultivation it leaves lots of impurities in your body. But if you take pills from a great alchemist, it won't leave any impurities as the grade of pills/elixirs are higher better the results because they comprehend more about nature and truths at the same time have high Cultivation," said earnestly.

Carl: "oh it so great to be alchemist them, not only he will be having higher Cultivation, wealth and fame but also great pills,

Carl and Chole continued their chat until late in the evening discussing Cultivation, alchemist and more general things.

After having dinner with Carl and his mother, Chole went back to the medical store, while Carl went to his room and started studying the breathing technique manual given by grandpa.

After understanding basics, Carls slowly controlled his breathing and started practising it as time passed not only his control over energy increased he could see signs of his spirit responding, which made Carl very shocked. He slowly started falling into a unique state of Cultivation while meditating he could feel something in his consciousness but didn't know how to put it in words unknowingly it was already morning. He let out Sigh and regretted that he didn't practise it early.

After having breakfast, he went to back mountains to gain some fighting experience.
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