Chapter-1.26: Chloe's Present

Later, In the home...

Carl: "Mother, I heard my brother's talent was not good so how did he join the Dragon institute, doesn't it accept talented people only?".

Mother: "Oh that, it's as you heard your brothers' talent was only 
grade-6 but somehow his martial spirit was noted by an elder of the institute and that elder said it is a very special spirit so he wanted your brother to be his apprentice, later with that elder's recommendation he joined the institute as his apprentice."

Carl: "what special spirit?" asked puzzledly.

Mother: "This even I don't know, any way you should do your best to join the institute and ask your brother yourself which spirit he possesses". 

Carl: "Mother, is 'Reishi Mushroom' has been refined?" 

Mother: "Yes, uncle Galten said he will send it today through Chloe". 

Carl: "Ok mother, I going train in the back mountains then, please let me know when Chloe visits". 

Mother: "ok, be careful". 

In the Back Mountains, Carl opened the new scroll he got from Rankar Dragnite. 

It is named as mortal kick technique and has only three moves. 
  • Low kick 
  • High kick 
  • Mortal kick 
Carl Slowly familiarised with steps as mentioned in the manual, and Since he already learnt similar mortal technique, he could quickly start to master the steps with time. 

Carl was getting familiarized with the technique; some sharps eyes were looking at him through a bush with a sharp growl. If we see it clearly, it will look like a small wild fox we have seen initially. 

It suddenly pounced on Carl while he is practising moves yet Carl was fast enough to react, so he instantly dodged its claws. 

Carl: "You never give up huh, you have already become so weaker than me and still want to attack me, what a stubborn fellow you are!, I don't want to hurt you since you helped me remember my past life, so please leave." said thoughtfully. 

Small wild fox let out a growl but didn't leave and started attacking Carl again. Carl let out a sigh and played along with small wild fox, but he didn't give any deadly blows. As time passed, small wild fox was getting exhausted at a faster pace, and so, it could only give up on attacking. It let out an unsatisfied cry and rushed back to the forest. 

While it's leaving Carl yelled to the small wild fox "you can come back anytime and play again friend" in response small wild fox let out some weird sound and disappeared into the forest. 

Abruptly some rushing sound came from the back of him, and a shadow slowly appeared: "Oh, its a baby fox this time, why do you keep attracting wild beasts," a voice said sarcastically. 

Carl: "when did you arrive ?" 

Chloe: "Not long ago, Just when you are shouting, Oh my friend," said dramatically. 

Carl got embarrassed and didn't know where to hide his face. 

Chloe: "Anyway I got the refined medicinal plant you requested from grandpa, Oh my bad I forgot to wish you happy birthday, Sorry kid," said while rubbing his head like he is a tiny kid. 

Carl: "I am not too younger than you, you are only one year older than me, hmph" let out a bitter comment while brushing off her hand. 

Chole: "Oh, that's very good then, here take it, it will helpful for your cultivation". said while handing a small bracelet. 

Carl gets puzzled, Chole reads his expression and explains detailly. 

Chole: " you just have to wear the bracelet and don't need to concern about it, it will help your cultivation speed and Comprehension." Said mysteriously. 

In Reality, It was given to her by mother, and its only thing her mother's memory left with her, so it's one of a kind. All of this, Chloe didn't mention it to Carl. 

Chloe: "Treat it as your birthday present," said sweetly. 

Carl:" Thank you, sister Chloe," said softy. 

Chloe: " Ok from onwards you shouldn't call me sister, Just call me Chloe," said beamingly. 

Carl: "why? " questioned puzzledly. 

Chloe got mad and was about it hit Carl's head, but somehow she controlled it" Because I said so, do you have any problem!" shouted fiercely. 

Carl got a chill and said "Sure, Sister no...Chloe" blabbered hastily. 

Carl assumed women are fickle creatures because what they think in their minds and do is always a mystery. 

Chole: "Good " she let out a delightful smile, which made Carls heart a new flutter.

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