Chapter-1.6: Cultivation Mortal Stages

After reading other basic books, he started reading other basic advanced books.

They mentioned cultivation levels in little detail like:

Cultivation Student: Able to sense energy in the body and control it up to a certain level. Require at least one meridian opened to advance higher levels.

Cultivation Warrior: Able to control energy and rotate it in meridians up to a certain level to strengthen the body

Cultivation General: Able to form the lower Dantian located two inches below the navel, it acts as a source of energy which builds the physical body and allows a person to develop and use energy.

Cultivation Commander: User able to control energy and project it outside the body to use to several applications like fighting techniques

Cultivation Martial: Able to utilize middle Dantian located at heart, it is energy created from food and air and relates to our emotions and thoughts.

Mortal Fate: User able to sense energy in nature and absorbing in the body to strengthen and comprehending truths about winds, fire, water, air, metal.....and able to form Upper Dantian.
Upper Dantian: located at a centre point just higher than the eyebrows, it is related to our spirit or consciousness.

Mortal Transcend: User Able to master one truth about nature and transcends from Mortal to a path of immortal.

Seeing all this information, he felt very much agitated because on earth he never got to know about it and there was no such system as the cultivation. As immortal said that something is missing on earth and he realized so-called "Origin" energy is absent, that's why people on earth are not able to get moe stronger than the present.

Carl: "Since Grandpa Draggo has said that we can cultivate from the movement we are born that I must cultivate from now onward till I have the power to change Fate. First, I need a cultivation method, Oh I forgot the 'GOD CULTIVATION TECHNIQUE' given by Immortal."

Carl closed his eyes and examined the cultivation method. It says

God Cultivation Technique: Part -I, According to this technique, it is useful from Mortal Fate (Mortal Realm) to Earth Realm. 

Carl felt disappointed to know this, and now he didn't know how to reach mortal Fate. So he decided to ask grandpa Draggo.

Grandpa Draggo: "Ha Ha So, you want to start cultivation such an early-stages good, come, follow me to the first floor." said happily.

Grandpa showed several cultivation methods displayed on the cupboards tightly sealed with locks. Grandpa Draggo lets Carl choose a technique of his choice.

They are different cultivation methods like Mortal mysteries cultivation the technique, Mortal transformation technique... Carl gets confused, asked Draggo why there are so many techniques are there?

Grandpa Draggo: "All these cultivation techniques are for the mortal Realm developed by great sages which are divided into several levels like Low, Middle and High. when you want to become stronger naturally High-level techniques are best but some people not able to reach higher cultivation levels because of lack of talent so they could only practice low-level ones. Sadly, all I can give you are mortal level techniques there are even higher levels, like Earthen, Heaven, Divine cultivation techniques too which can take you much greater heights."

Carl: "Do we have Divine Cultivation Techniques in our family?"

Draggo: "Ha Ha do you think Cultivation techniques are so easy to get we have only at best Earthen mid-level technique which is best one and it is with our family head. All other techniques we have here are best at earthen low-level ones and it's also given to only ones with good contribution points to family. Now, the best I can give you is Mortal high-level ones with my authority, now go and pick out your choice." said while pointing to cases as Carl drag's body in disappointment. 

Grandpa Draggo murmurs: "This kid is only about six years old and already wants to practice high-level techniques he should understand atleast other won't be able to practice even Mortal middle-level ones." murmured.

Carl slowly looked at Mortal level techniques descriptions one after another. 
When he was almost about to give up, he suddenly felt some hot sensation on his chest touched to check, he discovered that his necklace black "stone bead" is burning warmly. He never thought his necklace would react like this, as he looked at other hand holding a nameless cultivation technique which made him puzzled, so he asked grandpa Draggo about it.

Grandpa Draggo: "Oh this cultivation technique was obtained by our ancestor, even though this technique doesn't have any name, it was presumed that it's a part of heaven technique so, it can only let you to at reach up to the mortal fate that's why it can be said both mysterious and bad technique to start cultivation."

Carl felt something wrong with these techniques and black bead, so he decided to understand more about it.

Carl: "Grandpa Draggo can I take this technique to study."

Draggo: "It's not a good technique to start your cultivation, I recommend you choose another". said patiently.

Carl:" First, I will study this grandpa, if I am not able to understand, I will come later to choose another ok."

Draggo:" Hmm ok, but don't waste too much time on that, here take these techniques also, there also very good for you." handing another two methods as Carl looks at these techniques and felt very happy because it's the cultivation and a breathing technique which complements with cultivation technique.

Carl thanked Grandpa drag again left to home happily.

Draggo: "what a strange kid, he sees to be very mature for his age, let's hope he will able to contribute to family more in future"softly murmurs.

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