Chapter-1.5: Meridians

After getting some books from Draggo, he went along the path he regularly took to his home, suddenly two kids have blocked his way.

First Kid: "Hey cousin, I heard that you are going to the library nowadays a lot, is it true?" enquired with a sarcastic smile.

Carl: "Cousin Geldu, it justs that I like reading a lot."

Geldu: "Oh that's good then, I just hope that you won't become trash like your brother. you see this is my servant, he has been discovered with a grade-7 talent which is a lot better than your brother " mockingly smiled while introducing another kid.

Carl clutched his fists tightly while remembering his brother's words.

Carl's brother: "Little Brother, please don't fight with anyone for my sake, I want to prove our family that I am not trash, with my own strength, until that day you have to be good brother, ok" as Carl nodded his head forcibly.

Carl's brother left the family with his father for some reason and haven't returned in the last few months. So, if he makes any trouble his mother has to face the effects alone without anyone to support her. Thinking of this, Carl left his grip on fist since he is already (17+6) age, so he is a lot more mature than these small kids.

Carl: "Cousin Geldu, My mother is calling I have to go now, will speak to you later, ok bye".

Servant: ''Master, are you going to leave him just like that?"

Geldu:" Father warned me not to make any trouble for aunt otherwise why would I leave him just like that!. Let's go, you said you discovered a grade-1 medicinal plant, is it true?"

Servant: "Master I am sure of it, but it is protected by some wild snake, so it's hard to obtain by us alone, we need Elder young master's help to get it."

Geldu: "My brother is cultivating, so we can't disturb him. we can only wait for now." said disappointingly.

During dinner with his mother,

Carl: "Mother when will father and brother return?"

Mother: "I don't know, but I know that your bother is working hard and your father is supporting him, we can only wait for good news," said sadly.

Carl didn't talk anymore tactically as he didn't want to make more sad. He went back to his room, studying again. He looked at new books.
  • Advanced Basics of Cultivation. 
  • Advanced Basics of Medicine & Human body. 
  • Advanced Basics of Plants & Nature. 
  • Advanced Basics of Ores & Minerals. 
As Carl goes through these books he gets to know, a medicinal plant in this world are also into different grades, and various conditions like age decide it, rarity, conditions it's grown and uses it gives. It also mentioned that medical plants are essential for cultivators to improve further and different uses.

Carl learned about Human body such as everybody has natural energy flowing in their body and these natures energies flow in a human body is a certain way or paths. According to ancient sages, life is a dynamic interplay between two opposing forces yin(-) and yang(+). The sky (or heaven) balance earth, heat balance cold, light balance dark. The entire world is composed of sets of the polar opposite where these forces meet and interact, right in the middle of these are life; they called this life energy circulating in the world as Qi. This energy never stands still, it always moving, changing, adjusting and balancing, and it is this natural movement that sustaining all life. Now, this movement of energy flows in the path called profound veins (or) Meridians.

These Meridians are not visible to the naked eye, and the only person's who practice acupuncture (or) Cultivator can locate them from outside. There are mainly twelve pairs of meridians present on the left and right sides of the body mirroring each other. Two important Central Meridians and there are hundreds of even smaller tributaries that together nourish every cell in the body, much like the arteries and veins of the circulatory system. 

Namely, there are:

Two Central Meridians
  • Conception vessel 
  • Governing vessel 

Twelve principal Meridians
  • Stomach meridian 
  • Spleen meridian 
  • Small intestine meridian 
  • Bladder meridian 
  • Heart meridian 
  • Kidney meridian 
  • Pericardium meridian 
  • Triple warmer meridian 
  • Gall bladder meridian 
  • Liver meridian 
  • Lung meridian 
  • Large intestine meridian 

Initially, all the principal meridians are clogged state and for cultivation, any cultivator opening at least any 1 Meridian is necessary to advance higher levels to get better control of energy.

Meditation is necessary for any cultivator, and it is done by maintaining a good posture and regulating the breath and then coordinate movements with our senses and move our energy internally with our intention.

Carl sighed seeing all this information, even though he heard about meridians, acupuncture in the previous life he never practised or at least seen it. He mutters "It seems cultivation is a very long and arduous process".

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