Chapter-1.3: Learning about Cultivation

Later, Outside an old-fashioned three-floored building, an old & a sickly-looking person seated at the entrance and guarding it. When both Mother & Son pair reached the building, the Old man slowly opened his eyes looked warmly at them.

Mother: "Elder, we are here to enter the family library on the ground floor for my kid, can you allow us?" asked in a polite tone.

Old man: "Anything for you Madame, can I know what you are looking for, maybe I can help,." said friendly tone.

Mother: "Elder, My son wants to learn about the cultivation."

Old person:" Oh, It seems our family is going to have little genius, go to the second left you will find books you required."

Mother nods and enters; after settling Carl on a chair, she fetched some books for him. After seeing the books, Carl starts reading them impatiently, observing this mother just laughed and left her kid in the library while reminding him that he should be back by lunchtime. 

Introduction to Cultivation: It says the same as his mother stated in beginning pages, it also mentioned cultivation is a slow and arduous process and has specific leveling systems, some requirements about body fitness, family conditions, resource struggle, understanding about nature and it's workings, several applications of cultivation.

After finishing reading the book, Carl felt a new door has opened for him as he thirsted for more knowledge about cultivation. so he went to search for other books but noticing the time he held himself and left for lunch while going, he mentioned to the old man he will back after lunch, which made the old man feel odd and happy, grumbling himself "what a strange kid." 

Generally speaking, kids of his age will only like to do mischief & play, but Carl seemed different.

After having lunch, Carl appears back at the library on his own and inquired about the Old man about more cultivation books, making the old man laugh heartily. So he led the kid to another corner of the library personally and took out some books and gave it Carl.

  • Basics of cultivation. 
  • Basics of Medicine & the human body. 
  • Basics of Plants & Nature. 
  • Basics of Minerals & Ores. 

Old man: "Kid I know for your age reading all these books is hard, but if you can learn all these books you can be recognized as cultivation Student. Ordinarily speaking, you should be at least 7 years old to be permitted to read them however since you are mother's son I can you permit to learn those. Now do your best to learn, if you are not able to understand anything come and see me ok?" said gently.

Carl: "Thank you so much, Sir." says respectfully.

Old Man: "you can call me grandpa Draggo, alright." said while laughing.

Carl: "Ok, Grandpa Draggo," utters politely.

Carl happily took all the books, put them in a cloth bag, and carried it back to his room, looking very cute and clumsy because the size of the books bearing his age was too much.

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