Chapter-1.2: Origin planet

Carl sat on his bed in a meditative position and started recalling all of his former life memories one by one in detail as he slowly has gone to sleep. By morning he could remember everything in pieces like his mother, master, martial arts he learned, cultivation technique, and reborn.

Carl felt complicated about all of his memories because he didn't know whether he should be happy because of being reborn or sad because of the former life's wounds. Suddenly a door knock sound was heard.

Mother: "Carl, get ready to have breakfast."

Carl: "Yes, Mother ". While getting out of the bed to busy himself.

While having breakfast, Carl looked at his mother warmly and enquired her "Mother, can I ask you something."

Mother: "what happened to you suddenly boy, why are you being so polite like a stranger, you can ask your mother anything you want, what do want to ask?" smiled warmly.

Carl: "Ok mother, Mother I want to know about this Planet, Energy, Cultivation, Can you tell me?"

Mother: "Oh, How do you know about all these things, anyway it's good to learn about new things when you are young, so listen carefully what am about to tell, what I know is ".

"Firstly, the planet we live is called "Origin Planet" It has several continents and water bodies that are too vast to measure from what I heard no one can travel all of this world in their lifetime."

"We are currently present in 'Southern Continent', 'Twilight country' also called as 'Kingdom of Future'."

"On this planet, the cultivation of the person decides his Fate, how they live and die, how they rule and everything else".

Carls become astounded by the statement, "Cultivation of the person decides his fate," so he asked again.

Carl: "Is it true cultivation decides the fate of a person".

Mother: "Hmm it's complicated to explain, generally most of the people on the planet do Cultivation to have better life only some minor people are not able to cultivate either on their own decision or some other reason. so it reasonable to say Cultivation decides their fate".

Carl gets excited and remained so that the mother can continue.

Mother: "Cultivation it means to grow: developing in terms of knowledge, building in terms of strength, rising in terms of life span, and so on. It's a never-ending pursuit; it is also a complicated process to live because cultivating means fighting against Fate, i.e., Heaven.

Mother: "Energy, It is a mysterious thing, it can have several forms and it's available everywhere and anywhere like in our surroundings, food we eat, the air we breathe in our body and so on, it is used for cultivation."

Carl: "Is there any grade for "Energy?"

Mother: "This I am not very good at explaining, you can ask your father when he comes back from journey ok." with a sad smile.

Carl: "Mother, I want to learn more about cultivation, planet and many more is there any way?" asked with a very cutesy face.

Mother: "Hmm no problem I can take you to our family library later, there you can learn all you want, my kid becoming day by day very cute!" said while nipping him cutely as Carl became very embarrassed by this action because his body now has 17+6 soul.

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