Chapter-1.22: Deadly Crisis

After having some discussions, both Carl and Chloe left to back mountains for medicinal plant hunting.

Carl had to carry a large bag on his back, while chole was freely dancing and hopping like a rabbit, which made Carl have a bitter smile. 

Chloe gradually started to explain about medical plants, their traits, advantages, disadvantages as they reach the boundaries of back mountains.

Chloe: " Carl, where have you got Schisandra berries?"

Carl: " Its that way, I got them near a waterfall. why, do you still need more of them."

Chloe:" No I don't want them, Actually the place where it grows is special because it needs lots of natural energy to grow, so there is a chance a lot more other good medicinal plants are also grown."

Carl: "Last time when I went there, I got Schisandra berries only and didn't get any other plants?".

Chloe: "That's because you are stupid, lead me to that place I will show you how to find good medicinal plants," said proudly.

Carl didn't rebuke her just silently led the way. 

Chloe, on the way, has got many medicinal plants she required as she explained about them in detail like their uses, how identity its age, whether there are toxic or not, etc..

After reaching the waterfall, Chloe suddenly leapt into it and started playing in it.

Carl:" Didn't you said you are going to find some medicinal plants, but why are you playing?"

Chloe: " Stupid, I am just analysing this place," said grumpily.

Carl just watched her from the outside waterfall as he thought," from any angle, I look at it she is definitely playing around." shakes his head and goes to a corner and starts meditating.

After some time suddenly Chloe shriek was herd.

Carl quickly rushed to the source and saw Chloe fighting with a large Snake. He could immediately recognise that it's one of the wild snakes which he got advantage from them previously (Ginseng 30 years old plant incident).

Suddenly another hissing sound and a small wild snake appeared started attacking Carl without any warning.

Carl:" What have you done, why are they attacking us?". while escaping its sharp fangs shouts angrily.

Chloe:" I will explain to you later first we need to escape this place first".said seriously.

Both of the wild snakes are too powerful for them to handle because large is at Cultivation Martial initial stage and the small one is at Cultivation General peak stage while he is at Cultivation warrior peak stage, and Chloe is at Cultivation Commander peak stage.

One major disadvantage for humans is that wild beasts are always stronger than humans at the same stage because their bodies are very built very strong. Now not to mention the same stage, they are one complete stage lesser than these wild snake, so how they are going escape from them?.

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