Chapter-31: Advancing

Eune Dragnite: "Next person, please come on to the stage for the challenge," said emotionally. 

Now only '4' challengers are left other than Carl, but all of them are at least Cultivation Commander middle stages and above, so everyone assumed it is finally Carl's time to step off the stage with Carl being just Cultivation General and it's impossible to win any more fights. 

while everyone was having similar thoughts, Carl said calmly

Carl: "Please give me some guidance," said firmly.

'Paskel' got annoyed with Carl's bold attitude and limelight he got so far. 

Paskel: "Little brother Carl, I didn't expect you to have such ability to fight, let me give you some guidance," said sarcastically. 

Carl: "Sure, brother Paskel".

Paskel snort's and rushes forward with full force while using Dragnite family mortal technique dragon fist ferociously. 

Carl felt little dread with force coming, but he didn't lose his composure. Because he is already martial arts expert in his previous life even though opponent cultivation is higher their fighting experience is a less and significant difference is that Carl has already got used to fighting wild animals which are more potent than humans of same cultivation, So all this added up to Carl's advantage.

Carl closes his eyes and concentrates all the energy present in the body to his right palm as he felt burning sensation slowly, he faced Paskel fist with his fist as he shout's 'Mortal fist'. It was his first time trying this move, so he didn't know what will be the result or consequence of using this move for his cultivation level.

After the collision of both fists, some resonant sound came as both of them pushed back a few steps.

Carl felt's a stinging pain in the arm, now he understood why this is dangerous for his level to use this move because the serving amount of energy is immense.

Paskel couldn't believe that Carl could defend his attack for his Cultivation level, he gets pissed and starts attacking again and again as Carl continued defending using the mortal fist and his energy started to exhaust at a breakneck pace. As the fight gets, prolonged Carl took advantage of his experience and defeated Paskel by kicking out of the stage, which excited everyone in the audience, especially Elder Gernard.

Gerrard: "This kid is interesting," said letting out a rare smile which surprised everyone.

Eune Dragnite: "Winner Carl, Carl do you wish to continue to fight? "asked very keenly since he could tell Carl is exhausted.

Carl: "Uncle Eune, I can keep on", said confidently.

Eune Dragnite: "ok, we will start next round in a few minutes, recuperate yourself."

Carl seats in the meditative position start circulating the energy in the body. At some point, he felt a jump in energy, and he could feel that his cultivation advanced again to cultivation general peak stage and he could tell it was because of exhausting fight energy from the medicine ginseng have boosted his cultivation.

Carl slowly opens his eyes, feeling refreshed.

Carls: "Uncle, I am ready ".                                                                  
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