Chapter-1.9: Obtaining a Medicinal Plant

Suddenly some noises came from the nearby forest, and Carl reacted immediately hid behind nearby rocks since he didn't want to reveal any of his talents yet.

After some time, he saw some familiar faces. Geldu, Paskel and their servant rushing towards the back mountains.

Paskel: " little brother is it true, that you found 'ginseng' of 30 years old in the back mountains" asked in anticipation.

Geldu: "yes, It was confirmed by our servant but it was protected by a wild snake strength comparable to Cultivation 'General', so we couldn't get it by our self, Big brother I need that Ginseng for my Cultivation technique so please help me to get it." asked pleadingly.

Paskel: "Relax brother, we can easily get it with my strength," said confidently as they rushed towards back mountains.

Carl after hearing all that conversation he got excited because he also needed that Ginseng for his Cultivation and his mother has not reported anything about it yet so he must use this chance to gain it even though it's unsafe to fight with these guys.

Carl quietly followed them for some time and hid near a bush as he observed them, they also did the same while the servant was pointing to the small plant with roots firmly attached to ground (Ginseng) and there was a 10 feet snake couching around it while sleeping tranquilly.

Paskel: "let's observe it first, we will try to snatch it when it down its guard and make run for it, even though it's weaker than me since it's territory we should be careful, ok." warned cautiously.

Geldu and servant both nodded obediently and waited patiently.

After some time, they assumed it was sleeping, So according to their plan Paskel moved stealthily to snatch the 'Ginseng', Just when he was about to pluck the medicinal plant, the wild snake suddenly opened its eyes and pounced on him to bite, But Paskel has reacted swiftly and thrown a punch which made it flying far away.

Paskel: "Stupid snake, do you think you are stronger than me" laughed mockingly which made wild snake angry as it let out a sharp hissing sound, suddenly a big rock blasted out and another 15 feet wild snake appeared from nowhere.

Paskel: "oh no, it appears both of them are family. That big snake is stronger than me". He quickly alerted other two kids and started running out of this place like crazy, while both the wild snakes started chasing after them wildly.

Carl gloated at their situation and took this chance to pluck the Ginseng and ran to the opposite direction.
After exiting the back mountain, he saw an elder scolding those three kids Paskel, Geldu and Servant, Carl guessed that they must be rescued from those wild snakes by the elder. Carl silently left the place without alerting them.

Paskel: "Sorry uncle, for the trouble we caused you," said apologetically.

Elder Kontas: "your father is in closed-door cultivation so naturally, I had to look after you guys anyway where is Carl, didn't he went after you guys." asked puzzledly.

Paskel and Geldu:" No elder, we didn't see him at all, did he follow us ?"

Elder Kontas: "Oh no, he must have run into those snakes, you guys leave this place immediately." Kontas left them on the scene and rushed into back mountains while grumbling "if that fellow comes back and finds out that his kid runs into some trouble while we are guarding the family, he will probably cause ruckus everywhere, let's hope nothing happened to that kid".

Mother: "Carl, why are gloating so much" asked amusingly.

Carl: "Mother, I have obtained 'Ginseng' of 30 years old from back mountains, now I just need other 3 medicinal plants," said happily which made mother surprise by the news and as she remembered about something.

Mother: "you should not venture deep in the back mountains it's very dangerous for you, ok, oh one more good thing is I got the info that we can find 'Reishi mushroom' from the medical store in the town."

Carl: "Thank you so much, mother."

Mother: "Why are you behaving like a stranger, you are my kid, I will naturally help whatever I could" while pinching Carl's cheeks teasingly.

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