Chapter-1.11: First meeting: Chloe

Carl watched all the sceneries of the town's lively atmosphere where most of the kids of his age were playing happily while in the Cart.

Later, Cart stopped in front of a three-story building as all medical plants fragrance emitted from building across the street.

Both mother and son got down the Cart and entered the building as an old person received them with charred clothing.

Mother: "Medical uncle 'Galten' have you got the medicinal plants we requested"asked politely.

Galten: "yes, miss Dragnite we got Reishi mushroom you are looking for with our reputation it's not hard for us to obtain it ha ha. oh is this young one is the kid of that 'Man'."

Mother: " yes, he is now '6' years old and our second son we had and he is a lot more genius than of my husband," said very proudly for which Galten gave surprised expression because he knows the background of Carl's father very well and talent.

Galten: "oh, that's unexpected" as he studied intensely at Carl.

Carl: "I am Carl, Nice to meet you Grandpa Galten."

Galten: "That's a good name" smiled warmly.

Mother: "uncle Galten we also need of Gynostemma, Chamomile, Tara Dandelion medical plants of ages 30, 50 and 100 years respectively". Galten thinks deeply about it and answers.

Galten: "Gynostemma of 30 years we can try but other medicinal plants little hard to get because of their characteristics and rarity but I am sure finding in the city is easy."

Suddenly a blasting sound came from the nearby room.

Galten: "This kid, when will she learn" he sighed while shaking his head.

A girl of around eight years old with black cloth forcibly coughed out of some smoke as she came out of the room when she saw Galten she panicked and quickly said

Girl: "Sorry grandpa, I broke another cauldron up again," said with a naughty apologetic smile.

Galten:" you girl ha, come here I will introduce you to one my old friend's daughter and her son."

The girl lifts her head and looks at both mother-son pair and introduces herself as

Girl: "Hello, My name is Chloe,10 years old and I am an alchemist".

Galten: "Girl you are a not an alchemist yet, you are in learning stage only" commented.

Chloe looked at Galten furiously and shouted: "grandpa".

Galten: "She is my granddaughter, her parents are good alchemists but due to some reason, she lost both of them at a very young age, since then she is living with me and learning Alchemy to follow her parent's steps," said sadly.

Mother moved forward and rubbed Chloe small head softly said:" Chloe, me and your mother are very close. so you can treat me as a relative, you can call me aunt and this is my son" said warmly.

Carl: "Hello, my name is Carl 6 years old and cultivation student."

Both Galten and Chloe are surprised by this statement.

Galten: "He has already started cultivating at such a young age, what a good lad," said while laughingly.

Chloe just looked at Carl and gave a mischievous smile on her small cute face but didn't say anything. 

Mother: "Uncle how much is Reishi mushroom and Gynostemma cost".

Galten: "For you, three hundred gold coins are enough ha ha".

Mother: "ok, then I will play 150 gold now, and when you get another medical plant I will pay rest, ok?

Carl:" Mother can I pay for the medicinal plant".

Mother: "Oh do you have any gold with you ?" asked puzzled.

Carl:" Galten grandpa can I exchange these medical plants for gold," said while taking out some things from his backpack.

Galten: "Sure as long as it satisfies me you can exchange ha ha". while looking medicinal plants displayed.

Galten: "kid where have you obtained so many medicinal plants from? if you exchange all of these you can get around 250 gold coin."

Chloe: "Grandpa look it's Schisandra berries' "pointed at some red berries excitedly.

Galten:" kid it's your lucky day, lone wolf family were looking for this very desperately, they said they will pay one gold for one berry since you have 100 you can get more than enough for plants you need ha ha."

Carl happily exchanged everything he has while his mother is watching him little happy and little furiously because he didn't say anything to her about the medicinal plants he obtained who knows from where!.

Carl: "Mother I got these plants when I was training in back mountains, I promise I didn't venture deep into the regions."

Mother pats Carls' head lovingly: "then it's good that you didn't do anything reckless".

Chloe had a sharp glint on her eyes while staring at Carl.

Mother: "Carl you can go and play with Chloe, I have something I need to discuss with uncle Galten, ok".

Chloe took the initiative to take Carls' hand and drag him out of place.

Galten: "This mischievous kid, I hope she doesn't do anything reckless again ha," said while sighing.

Mother: "They are just kids, its common to be mischievous at their age, "said smiling." Uncle, I have one more request, My son needs this Ginseng to be refined can you help" asks sincerely.

Galten:" Its a very easy task, leave it to me I will refine it today only."

Mother" Uncle, Have you got any information about Chloe parents?".

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