Chapter-1.19: Cultivation Warrior

While everyone was either shocked or busy congratulating Dragnite family members, Carl immersed in a unique state, he was able to rotate energy present in the body much faster than before. In his consciousness, Blackstone was spinning rapidly, and around it, two small snakes were screaming and dancing around for some time.

Suddenly a thud sound came, and he reached cultivation Warrior middle stage shocking him, but it didn't stop there, and again thud sound came as he reached cultivation Warrior peak stage very quickly and abruptly both snakes went silent, and energy in the body got stabilized as he slowly opened his eyes.

Eune Dragnite was looked at Carl with a dumb expression as he blurted: "Cultivation Warrior peak stage at the age of 6" with shock.

Everyone from the crowd couldn't help gasp with a surprise for a few seconds, and a vast uproar caused again because everyone knows about what it means to reach cultivation Warrior stage at such a young age.

Generally, barely anyone could cultivate properly before awakening their martial spirit, even one if one could cultivate to reach cultivation student stage it's already heaven-defying but now to be able to reach Cultivation Warrior stage it means one could define as cultivation genius or Monster talent.

Carl mother quickly rushed to Dias and hugged him tightly.

Carl felt so embarrassed because of the large crowd but didn't say anything because of mothers happy, proud tears.

Rankar dragnite slowly walked to the stage and patted Carl's head.

Ranker: "Carl, you did good job training up to this stage."

Carls: "Thank you, Family head."

Rankar took out a small pouch from nowhere and gave it Carl.

Rankar: "This is your reward, I am expecting great things from you in the coming family's competition after 2 years," smiled warmly.

Rankar: "Eune, you can continue with the rest of the proceedings". 

Eune Dragnite: "Everyone since the awakening ceremony done, we can proceed with banquet dinner and enjoy till our heart's content.

One stranger: "I can't wait to see what's going to happen in next family competition with so many great talents appearing one after another in just one day, it's very exciting".

Another Stranger: "Me too" said excitedly.

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