
At the beginning of time, when nothing exists in vast space, two smallest particles were born from nowhere, these particles become atoms, atoms become matter, matter to substance, and finally, two most giant suns formed. After some unknown time, they started colliding into each other and blasted into vast space and thus began the process of creation of stars, nebula's, black holes, and all the mysteries of the universe. From the initial collision of these two suns, One "unknown" substance released, and it started traveling around this vast universe for after an unknown time. It was finally formed into meteorite and fallen onto a planet called 'earth,' which led to the destruction and creation of life. After some millions of years of the Earth's evolution, humans started their civilizations, and they developed into the present time world. Because of that "unknown" substance fallen from space on Earth's planet, some specialty was present, which no one knows about. Here on Earth, whenever a person dies, some people believe some go to "Heaven," or some go to "Hell" but, in REALITY...... 

In a Big Stadium, we can hear the loud cheering of people from a long distance. A Man with a hood covered his face was walking on the path leading to a stage when loud cheers continue to resound everyone's ears. When he jumped into the ring abruptly, all the cheering stopped for a second as he slowly removed the hood. Suddenly from another side, a person who is four times bigger than him came with "PUNCH," which can blast a hard rock into powder, but he dodges it smoothly and launches a high kick to the big fellow's shoulder. Suddenly a loud thumping sound came, and that big fellow fell to the ground without making any noise as people started to cheer loudly again. The announcer announced the winner of the "World Championship of Martial Arts" for 2020 as "HERO." 

Some weeks later, Hero was on the street with the same hood covering his face. He waited on the traffic signal crossing while watching a small kid playing with a balloon when his mother scolded him for his playfulness, which made a natural smile was born on Hero shadow face. Unknowingly kid lost his grip on the balloon and started following it to the running traffic while the kids' mother was busy talking on the phone. Abruptly a car speeds up to ward's the kid as 'Hero' watched the scene; he gets a jolt and ends up rushing forwards reflexively to save the kid from getting into an accident. In the outcome, 'Hero' saved the kid, but it cost his life because he couldn't keep himself getting an accident because of the lack of time.

People near the place watched the person met with the accident. Some people recognized Hero as his blood continues to runs out from the body. An ambulance arrived on the scene, and a doctor checked Hero's pulse and concluded the Hero has died with some sorrow that he couldn't save the person in time. Simultaneously, on the ''Hero'' body shined a small black stone brightly on the neck as it swiftly disappeared.

After some time, 'Hero' abruptly opened his eyes to see a large crowd surrounding and watching him with lots of grief and disappointment; he felt something strange about it. Unknowingly he thought that he was very light, like floating only then noticed and looked down to get shocked himself to see he was floating on the air and caught a glimpse of his dead body. He remembers everything about the accident as he gives a small bitter smile while watching that kid and his mother hugging each other while crying sadly for Hero.

Later, he discovered that he could not control his soul body as it keeps on drifting towards the sky. Sometime later, he observes a bright light as he kept on moving towards it. He thought that he might be heading towards hell or heaven, so he closed his eyes and accepted his FATE.

After some time, he realized standing in front of some large Grand looking building, which is floating on the cloud. Suddenly, he heard some musical sound, and some one's shout heard which was calling him to move forward; only then he notices that he was not only on the line that other people are also there before him, one after another, they entered the building. He observed the surroundings keenly; he saw an endless cloud lingering in the air: some beasts statues path was on the left, and the angelic statues path was on the right, leading to unknown places which he thought might be leading to hell or heaven. While he was fascinating with surroundings, his turn finally came to enter the building; he let out a small breath and entered it. After entering, he saw an otherworldly person with a great form holding a record having black and white wings on his back, looking to look at Hero with a small smile.

Archangel: "Are you, HERO?". (In a commanding voice)

Hero: "Yes," Hero reflexively answers.

Archangel: "Young Man do you know what you have done?".

He was puzzled by the question: thinking for himself that he will go either heaven or hell because of deeds he has accumulated. But unknowingly, he felt something strange is going to happen.

Hero: "What I have done"? (Enquired nervously)

Archangel: "No need to look at me like that, I am not gonna eat you. young man, I have to commend you first for saving that boy and accumulating great merits, accompany me I will take you to meet an Immortal."

Hero: "Immortal," shouts while getting astounded.

Archangel: "Yes, Just follow me," said with a mysterious smile.

Archangel: "Are you, HERO?". (In a commanding voice)

Hero followed him nervously while crossing several otherworldly scenes, and finally, they could see a heavenly dwelling on view across some space.

Later he was in a grand hall, where Hero could see a person to whom he felt like kneeling quickly and start revering him, but he forcefully suppressed this feeling.

Immortal: "Child, do you feel that you have lived long enough"?

Hero: "what"? Feeling Confused.

Immortal: "what I meant is do you feel that you have lived a fulfilled life and died peacefully or not?"

Hero thinks deeply and remembers his past life memory to memory in detail.


When he was a kid, he lived with his mother happily even though he lost his father young age because of some unknown reason, and his mother raised him singlehandedly. During his birthday celebration with mother, he founds out accidentally that his mother was in a lot of grief because of fathers' loss and started falling sick day by day and recently she found out that she is having a serious health problem leukemia and for that, she needs lots of money for treatment, but every penny she earns she had saved it for her kids' future only. Even though she is sick, she never showed in front of her child; she only smiles at him every time with lots of energy from nowhere. At age 14, he lost his only family member, he has and starts living single with the money left by his mother.

One fine day, he was involved in a deadly crisis, which leads to finding himself fighting with some group of people. As a result, he gets cruelly beaten. While he was getting a thrashing, an unknown person watched him afar and laughing with a small smile on his face but didn't do anything to help the kid. After the Gang left, leaving him on the ground, that unknown person came with a smiling face and says to Hero on the floor. "kid you got some spirit there, do you want to beat those guys up."

Master: "Ha Ha then be my student? I can make them pay the price for messing up with you!" saying seriously.

Hero looks at him in the eyes with a weird expression because this person was looking like some street bum, but he found a fire burning in them unknowingly when he looked deeply into his eyes. Hero felt some trust towards him even though any skill was not displayed. Eventually, Hero makes a decision and bows and calls "Master."

Master: "Good Good finally I found a good student. Disciple by following me, I can take you to the top in the world of martial arts".

Later that day, after getting treatment for his wounds, they have gone to some open barren land. When facing each other, Master says, "listen up, kid, before we start anything, I'm going to teach you some life truths to live in this world.
  • First and foremost, never depend upon others for your battles because this world is cruel to anyone. 
  • Second, Never lose the spirit to fight even in extreme situations; you should fight until your last breath. 
  • Third and final, most important, Never Fight to hurt others but to save others and yourself and lastly …..... Do you understand?" 
Hero: "yes, Master," shouts with more respect in his words.

Master: "Good, in this world, Martial arts are can be used everywhere not only for fighting and defending ………………."

After 3 Months, Hero goes to the Gang (20 people), which he faced earlier, and demanded his Necklace back.

Gang Leader: "Kid, It's you again, haven't we taught you enough lesson last time, do you still want more," said a cruel smile on his face.

Hero: "This is my last warning, give me my necklace back, otherwise..."

Gang Members laughed hysterically.

Gang Leader: "Beat up this kid and throw him out in the gutter."

Gang Members: "OK boss" with cruel smiles on their faces.
One of the Gang Member goes to Hero to teach a lesson, but after a few seconds, the one on the floor was him with broken ribs. Noticing this, one by one, gang members started attacking Hero but only to end up with the greatest misery in their life.

Sometime later, after some incredible fight, the Hero leaves the building while holding a necklace in his hand, watching it emotionally. He remembers the Necklace was given to him by his mother while she was on deathbed. Since its only living memento he was having of her, he holds it very dear to his heart. The Gang was a group of thugs who makes others' lives sorrowful since Necklace had a shining chain with black stone attached to it, and when the Gang found out that Hero had his mother savings, they attacked and stole all his mother's savings and Necklace.

After coming out of the building, he saw his teacher standing with hands folding with a small smile on his face.

Hero: "Master thank you for teaching me martial arts and I will never forget this favour in my life," says while crying.

Master: "Kid, It's good that you had your revenge, follow me I have something very important to tell you," said warmly.

Later that day, Master: "Disciple, your Master going to die in 2 years but I am not sad about it, my only regret is that I am not able to win the martial arts tournament which is held every 20 Years all over the world last time. So, kiddo will you help me achieve my dream which was left as a hole in my life".

Hero gets horrified to learn that his Master will die soon: "Master, why are you saying all this? Why are you going to die? Can't you be saved?" said worriedly.

Master: "It's an injury to my heart which I got when I was in last martial arts tournament, it was caused by my sworn enemy when fighting Ha Ha even though it's his final shot he could make it before he died, it left lifelong injury which couldn't be resolved by any medicine or surgery, ha ha ha No problem anyhow, kid will you help me to achieve my dream."

Hero noted that his Master had his revenge, but the price for this was getting a lifelong injury resulting in losing the tournament and his dream.

Hero: "Yes Master, I will do it," said in a resolute tone.

Master: "Good, Good, Good……………

Two Years later, Hero achieved his Master's dream, but his Master could not see it because he left this world significantly earlier than the designated time.


Hero recalls all of this while being question by 'Immortal.'
  • He grieved he couldn't save his mother.
  • He grieved he couldn't save his Master.
  • He lamented he couldn't be happy even after having wealth, fame, and power that he couldn't control his fate from losing his loved ones and not having the ability to changing anything in life.
Hero: "No, even though I am happy I died protecting life, but I had some regrets left that's why I am not happy."

Immortal: "Like what, "asks' deliberately.

Hero: "I regret that I couldn't change my Fate and those around me even though in the end I had fame, power and wealth."

Immortal: "Hmm so you want to change your fate? ha".

Hero: "yes, If I Could have only?" Cries while folding fists tightly.

Immortal: "Ok" .smile's mysteriously.

Hero Feels Puzzled by this, make an unusual face.

Immortal: "No need to be puzzled, I can give you a chance to change your fate, will you take it," asked smilingly.

Hero: "I do, but I died already what is the use of changing fate now."

Immortal: "No need worry about that, let me tell you some things, In the world (Earth) you came from some say, every person has seven lives to live but in reality, it's not. In reality, as long as a person dies after gaining some merits bad or good, they will get to live another life while good merits lead to better circumstances to live and bad merits lead to living in bad circumstances."

Hero: "So, you are telling I also get to live again?" asks enthusiastically.

Immortal: "Yes, you are going to get a chance, but it's not a regular one!"

Hero felt Puzzled again as the immortal smiled and continued to speak.

Immortal: "In this universe, there are several billions of planets and uncountable life forms exist. All this life's forms are equal, there are no great or worst ones, all are given equal chance to fight against fate and some even changed their fate by reaching peaks no one has seen before."

Hero Feels even more puzzled by the statement of reaching the peak; seeing this expression immortal smiled and explained more in detail.

Immortal: "some billions of years ago your world (Earth) has lost something very important, so you naturally were not aware of it, for this purpose we have given earth's people a chance to change their fate for chosen ones."

Hero: "what we have lost?" asked mystified.

Immortal: "Something called 'Origin Energy' which is essential for any person needed to reach peaks…..Ha Ha anyway, you will know all about it in the future now coming to the main topic. Generally, earth people are given a chance to live again in Earth but there are some exceptions like you Because whenever a person on Earth achieve some great things like gaining lots of fame, worship, wealth, knowledge, Strength, etc.., they are given chance to live in another planet with some benefits like they can fight their way to reach highest peaks possible. So, you are also given a chance to live in the grade-3 planet of your choice because of merits earned and also a good cultivation technique."

Hero felt puzzled by this word cultivation technique and grade-3 planet.

Immortal: "No need to puzzled by this you will get to know about it when you are qualified to know. Now close eyes and clear your mind".(Commanding tone)

Hero Inherently does this as immortal lifts his hand and points it to Hero's brows. Some ray passes through his brows, which contains lots of information storming his mind as pain surged; a few minutes later, it finally revealed the name 'God Cultivation technique.'

Immortal: "You will able to practice this technique after you reborn and when time is right and it all depends on your will power what you can achieve. Now go select a planet to live again and change your fate."

Archangel: "Follow me I will take you to pick a planet."

Hero: "So everyone can live again like this forever, born, reborn is there no end like heaven or hell."

Archangel: "No, there is a limit for everything, one can only live again only after getting certain merits, If you do good or achieve great things that are (+) merits If you do bad things or very evil deeds that are (-) merits which decides your next life as human forms or other forms, But when there are zero merits they will cease to exists and join up with origin."

Hero: "What about mine?" asks nervously.

Archangel: "No need worry yours is positive only and that's why you will get to live in Grade-3 planet and any type."

Hero:" Grade-3, what difference is there for a grade and type?

Archangel: "Grade means the density of Origin energy present and type means different cultures, civilizations, people, Monsters, devils & Angles, etc..,"

Hero: "What is the highest grade? Best planet?

Archangel: "Hmm It's very complicated to explain and you are not qualified to know yet." says seriously.

Archangel: "let your heart to seek out a planet for you," said while pointing to a portal in the distance.

Hero saw several light patterns continuously scrolling with different words on the portal boards on front.

Archangel:" Oh! I forgot to mention one more thing after reaching that planet of your choice you will lose all of your memories of the former life and the technique given by the 'Immortal' will only reappear on your mind when time is right, now you go and pick a planet and enter it."

Hero's walk to the Portal and lets his mind clear; he saw some information regarding planets continuously appears in mind; suddenly, he thought about his mother & Master and unknowingly held tightly the Necklace on his neck. Suddenly his black necklace stone started absorbing the origin energy present in the air forcibly and emit a warm light. This warm light passed through every part of his body, while his thoughts are about Mother, Master, cultivation technique, and martial arts he practiced, and various things he sees or knows about the Earth.

After some unknown time, the Portal pops out a name (Origin planet), and the Hero's body started to shine and forcibly moved towards the Portal.

Archangel, while watching all of this, suddenly remembers that he forgot about mentioning about Hero's Mother also got to select a grade-3 planet. "let's see will fate let them meet someday" and felt something was off with the bright light earlier.

Hero turned into a ray and traveled through the Portal for an unknown time and finally reached an "Origin World" planet.

Origin World: It's a planet filled with Grade-3 Origin energy, and it's most similar any other planet like Earth, but instead of modern Earth, it has older cultures, civilizations, mysteries, and many more myths & legends that have existed from ancient times and now let us see how our Hero will change his FATE………

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