Chapter-1.14: A Wild Encounter

After reaching Home, Carl days of boring reading and cultivation practice continued. Now, Carl could get energy in the body to a single point and circulated it in meridians quickly after some better training routine. One day while training in the back mountains' he was discovered by an adult wild fox. 

Carl could immediately recognize this adult wild fox because it was the mother of a small wild fox he faced previously.

When he didn't have many memories of a past life, he was playing with other kids of the family. Paskel led them to play in the back mountain while exploring they discovered a small wild fox which attacked Pascal, but he trounces it, So the small wild Fox had a grudge with him, so it didn't leave immediately and hid behind the bush while waiting for a chance to attack again. Even though Pascal noticed this, he didn't warn other kids about it. Later when they are leaving back to their homes, a small wild fox attacked Pascal again, but ignored it and made a run back to home sneakily. So, it made the target as Carl since he was the last person to leave.

Carl could only make a run for life because he was only a small little kid who didn't even start Cultivation, After some desperate chase he was cornered, and when it was about to attack him. Suddenly he unknowingly started remembering about past life martial arts he practised, then he abruptly used a high kick to defeat the small white Fox, and because of this, the adult wild fox has a grudge with Carl too.

Carl stood cautiously while Wild Fox looked very ferociously at him, suddenly it pounced at Carl as he narrowly dogged its claws. From this force, Carl could tell its strength definitely above his cultivation stage, so he defended himself with martial art he could remember.

After a gruesome fight with the adult wild fox, both of them got exhausted. Suddenly when a sharp bite of the adult wild fox was about to reach Carl, he discovered the energy present in the meridians are being replenished, and it started travelling in all the meridians frantically, Carl could feel that he was much more robust now so he assumed that he might have reached 'Warrior stage'.

Feeling excited from the boost of energy he madly fought with adult wild fox and defeated it but he didn't kill it.

After seeing that adult wild fox lost consciences he planned to leave, but when he was about to leave, he saw small wild Fox came from the bush and licked a wound on the adult wild fox with very sad and innocently face. Naturally, Carl could see that both are parent and child foxes who wanted to protect the territory and their family. 

Carl: "Sorry and thank you, because of you guys I could regain my memories and also helped me to increase my Cultivation. In future, I promise I won't cause you guys any trouble." spoke to them appropriately.

Small wild Fox howled at Carl as it licked its mother's wounds again.

Later, Carl found a Cave to treat his wounds and stabilize his condition. After some circulations of energy, he could feel that the control energy is better and the strength he possessed. He was fascinated by the Cultivation more and more as he thought how much stronger he could become in the future.

While having dinner, he mentioned to the mother that he had advanced to the Cultivation Warrior stage happily.

She quickly hugged him fondly: "Son, your father is going to be so shocked about your growth when he sees you at the festival," said very proudly.

Carl: "Mother about the medicine plant "Ginseng" has it been refined?"

Mother:" Yes, Uncle Galten has got it delivered in the morning, Son even though you are little stronger now but taking external energy is always dangerous to Cultivate, so be careful ok," said while handing elixir to him.

Carl: " ok mother, I will keep that in mind".

Carl goes back to his room and sits in a proper position and drinks Ginseng soup in a gulp and starts chanting the second mantra of the nameless cultivation method for the whole night, slowly the amount of energy present in the Meridians got increased as its energy getting dispersed in the body.

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